Dameng User Agreement

Website User Registration Agreement of Wuhan Dameng Database Co., Ltd.

Welcome to the website of Wuhan Dameng Database Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dameng Company"). Please read all the following terms of service carefully.

If you do not agree to any of the following terms, please stop using this website. If you use or access this website, you agree to be bound by the following terms.

I. General Provisions

1. This agreement includes the Website User Registration Agreement of Wuhan Dameng Database Co., Ltd.and all types of rules, notices, and announcements, etc. that have been published or may be published in the future on this website (collectively referred to as Rules). All rules are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the main text of this agreement.

2. Please fully understand that some services provided by this website require registration as a user before they can be used. Dameng Company provides you with the services under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the operating rules published from time to time. If you do not register, it will not affect the basic content of your website browsing.

3. You agree that this website has the right to formulate and modify this agreement and/or various rules as needed from time to time. If we change the content of the service or agreement, it will be announced on this website in the form of a notice. You can view the historical version at the user agreement link without further notice to you. The changed agreements and rules will automatically take effect once they are posted and become part of this Agreement. You can choose to continue using or terminate the use of the services provided by our website from the date of the announcement by Dameng Company.If you continue to use the services, it means that you have fully read, understood, accepted and will abide by the modified service or agreement content. If you do not agree to the modified content, you should stop using the services immediately.

II.User Account Rules

1. You may need to provide some necessary information when registering or using platform services. You must ensure that the information you fill in and provide is true, accurate, and complete, otherwise you may not be able to use the platform services, or may be restricted during use, and even affect your ability to use specific functions of the platform. You shall bear the responsibility and losses caused by the untrue, inaccurate or incomplete information you provide.

2. The platform has the right to decide whether to provide services to you based on the authenticity, accuracy, completeness of the information you provide, and whether it meets other conditions stipulated by the platform's service regulations. If the information you provide changes during your use of the platform services, you should make changes in a timely manner.

3. You confirm that when you complete the registration process to use this service, you should be a natural person, legal person, or other organization with full capacity for civil rights and full capacity for civil conduct.

4. After successful registration, you will have an account. You will be fully responsible for any damage caused to you, Dameng Company or any third party due to your failure to keep your account and verification code safe.

5. If Dameng Company discovers that you are not the account registrant or the user authorized by the registrant, Dameng Company has the right to terminate your use of the account without notice.

6. If you need to cancel your account, you have the right to do so through the methods and procedures published by the platform. After verifying your identity and resolving any disputes, we will provide you with account cancellation services. After canceling the account, this agreement will terminate and we will cease to provide services to you. Of course, we also reserve the right to directly revoke and cancel your account and stop services if your account meets the following conditions: (1) violates relevant laws and regulations; (2) Violation of these rules; (3) Other situations.

7. You need to ensure that you follow the correct steps to leave the website at the end of each online session.

8. You are responsible for keeping the username, password, and account verification code of your account on your own. Otherwise, any legal liabilities arising from such matters will be borne by the user themselves. Where the platform service login account and login credentials are used, the platform service is regarded as your own operation, and the electronic information records generated by the operation are valid credentials for the user behavior of the platform service. If you discover any illegal use of accounts or security vulnerabilities, please notify us immediately.

9. Your registered account may not be bought, sold, transferred, borrowed, donated or inherited in any way. Unless otherwise provided by law or otherwise required by judicial or administrative authorities, and agreed by Dameng Company, and qualified documents and materials are provided as required by this website and handled in accordance with the operating procedures. Otherwise, you shall bear all consequences, losses, and liabilities arising therefrom.

III.User Management

1. When using the Dameng Company network services, you should comply with local regulations, national laws and relevant international laws applicable to the corresponding services.

2. You guarantee to use the platform services reasonably and accept this agreement and other policies, rules, announcements and statements that we may formulate and publish from time to time.

3. You must follow the following principles when using Dameng Company's network services:

(1) Comply with all network protocols, regulations, and procedures related to network services.

(2) Do not use network service systems for any illegal purposes.

(3) You may not use the Dameng Company network service platform to publish, transmit, disseminate, or store content that endangers national security, national unity, or social stability, or that is insulting, defamatory, pornographic, violent, or causes insecurity to others, or any content that violates national laws, regulations, or policies, or set up user names containing the above content, or publish, transmit, or disseminate illegal advertising information, marketing information, or junk information, etc.;

(4) Do not infringe upon the patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, reputation (goodwill) rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, property rights or any other legitimate rights and interests of Dameng Company or any other third party.

(5) No one may maliciously fabricate or assist in fabricating facts, making comments, or spreading rumors, and no one may publish information that disrupts social order or undermines social stability.

(6) Do not engage in any behavior that endangers computer network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; Unauthorized access to public computer networks or other people's computer systems and deletion, modification, or addition of stored information; Without permission, attempting to explore, scan, or test the vulnerabilities of Dameng Company's network service platform or network, or engaging in other behaviors that undermine network security; Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of Dameng Company's network service platform or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services; Falsifying TCP/IP packet names or partial names; Upload any viruses, trojans, or worms that pose a threat to network health through platforms and services;

(7) You may not engage in any behavior that is prohibited by other laws, regulations, policies, public order and good customs, or social morality, or any behavior that infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals, companies, social groups, or organizations.

(8) It is not allowed to publish other content that is prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4. Regarding the online service platform of Dameng Companys website, since the platform provides you with timely community interactive communication functions, if you want to use this part of the platform functions, you need to additionally check and agree to the [Dameng Online Service Platform Community User Management Specifications] before posting your speech. The corresponding rules will also be linked to a specific location in the online service platform section for you to view in a timely manner.

IV.Website Content Statement

1. The Dameng Company website contains content owned, operated, licensed and/or controlled by Dameng Company, which is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other rights ("Website Content"). Dameng Company reserves all rights to the content of such websites. Da Meng Company grants you a limited, revocable, and non sublicensable right to view website content for your internal use only. In addition, certain website content, including but not limited to text, images, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages, or links, may be used to a limited extent within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.

2. The Dameng Company website is committed to providing accurate materials and information, but Dameng Company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of these materials and content, and expressly declares that it is not responsible for errors or omissions in these materials and content, nor does it make any express or implied warranties with respect to these materials and content, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement of third party rights, quality and freedom from computer viruses.

3. Dameng Company may modify the content on this website at any time without any notice or reminder. In order to obtain the latest version of information, please visit this website regularly.

4. Dameng Company does not make any commitment, guarantee or endorsement with respect to any products, services or information provided on the website. All products and services sold are subject to the sales contract and terms signed separately between Dameng Company and you.

V.Products or Services Provided

Due to the international or borderless nature of the Internet and therefore the international nature of the information provided through this website, not all products or services mentioned on this website are available in your country or region. Therefore, please contact your local sales representative or agent to find out what products or services are available in your country or region.

VI. Third-party Links

The website of Dameng Company may retain links to third-party websites or URLs, and accessing these links will be at your own discretion. Dameng Company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or reliability of any information, data, views, images, statements, or recommendations provided on these links. Dameng Company provides these links solely for convenience and does not represent the endorsement or recommend of such information by Dameng Company, nor is it for promotional or advertising purposes.

VII.Use of Personal Information

1. Normally, you do not need to provide any personal information to browse the website of Dameng Company. For a specific purpose, if you voluntarily provide the name (including pinyin and other similar expressions), email address, phone number, contact address and postal code, desired services or preferences, verification code, and other personal information required for registering or subscribing to electronic information, it means that you have understood the specific purpose and agree to use the personal information you voluntarily provide to achieve the specific purpose. Regarding how Da Meng Company uses your personal information, please refer to the Privacy Policy. [Privacy Policy] is an integral part of Dameng Company's user registration agreement.

2. Because all products under Dameng Company(including products of subsidiaries controlled by Dameng Company) are available through this website, if you want to download and try out the corresponding subsidiary products, you will need to do so through this website. Your trial application, download records, and user information saved on this website may be sent to the corresponding subsidiary. Dameng Company will strictly supervise its subsidiaries to use and store your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and the privacy policy.

VIII.Handling of Violations and Damages

1. You understand and agree that in order to maintain Internet security and order and protect the legitimate rights and interests of network users, if Dameng Company finds or receives reports that you have violated relevant agreements, this Agreement or relevant laws and policies, Dameng Company has the right to unilaterally take one or more of the following measures at any time according to the corresponding circumstances in its own judgment (the specific duration of the measures shall be determined by Dameng Company according to the corresponding circumstances of your violations), and you shall bear any losses or claims, demands, etc. arising therefrom or claimed by a third party:

(1) Restrict, suspend, or terminate the use of some or all functions of this service;

(2) Delete, block related content or disconnect links;

(3) Suspend or terminate your use of the Dameng Company's online service platform account;

If you are investigated by a competent authority or complained by a third party, or you complain to a third party, Dameng Company has the right to provide necessary information (including but not limited to name, phone number, license, etc.) such as the subject data, contact information, and complaint-related content of the parties involved in the dispute to the relevant parties or competent authorities in order to resolve the complaint dispute in a timely manner and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties;

(5) Hold you legally responsible in accordance with the law.

IX.Declaration of Intellectual Property Rights

1. We have corresponding rights to the information protected by intellectual property or other laws contained in the platform.The intellectual property rights of the overall content of the Platform are owned by us, except for content that is copyrighted by users in accordance with the law.

2. The intellectual property rights of the original information such as text, pictures, videos, software and performances that you publish and upload on the Dameng Company website belong to you (or as otherwise agreed upon by the third-party content provider and you). However, based on the needs of platform operations, you confirm that your publication and uploading of such information are deemed as the rights to use, copy, and disseminate the intellectual property rights authorized by us.

3. Complaints or reports regarding information content. If you accidentally infringe upon your legitimate rights and interests while using the platform, you have the right to notify us to take necessary measures to dispose of it. If you discover any illegal or non compliant situations or violations of the relevant rules of this service during the use of the platform, you also have the right to report to us, and we will take necessary measures in a timely manner (such as deleting, blocking, disconnecting links, or restricting the use of functions, etc.) for disposal.

4. We have the right to inspect the information you disclose to the public. If we find any content that violates the provisions of this agreement, violates the provisions of this agreement or other supplementary agreements, or links to data or information related to such content, we have the right to request that you modify or delete it. If you do not make any changes, we have the right to take necessary measures in a timely manner (such as deleting, blocking, disconnecting links, or restricting the use of features, etc.) for disposal.

X.Force majeure and other exemption reasons

1. You understand and agree that in the process of using this service, there may be risk factors such as force majeure that may affect this service. Force majeure refers to objective events that cannot be foreseen, overcome or avoided and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, and social events such as wars, unrest, and government actions. In the event of the above situation, Dameng Company will strive to cooperate with relevant units at the first time and strive to deal with it in a timely manner, but Dameng Company will be exempted from liability for the losses caused to you within the scope permitted by law.

2. To the extent permitted by law, Dameng Company will not be liable for any interruption or disruption of service caused by the following circumstances:

(1) Damaged by computer viruses, trojans, or other malicious programs, as well as hacker attacks.

(2) The computer software, system, hardware, and communication lines of the user or Dameng Company have malfunctioned.

(3) Improper operation by the user or use of the service in a manner not authorized by Dameng Company.

(4) Outdated program versions, device aging, and/or compatibility issues.

(5) Other situations that Dameng Company cannot control or reasonably foresee.

3. We do not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of any information, content, or advertising obtained from others or third parties on our platform (hereinafter referred to as "information"), except as expressly provided by law.

XI.Customer Service

1. If you want to exercise your rights to personal information, such as copying, deleting, changing, etc., or have objections to any measures taken by Dameng Company to restrict, suspend, or terminate your account, or have other issues during the use of your account (such as complaints, appeals, supervision, reports, opinions, suggestions, etc.), you can contact us through Dameng Company's customer service email, Dameng Company official platform online customer service, Dameng  Company customer service phone number, and we will provide you with necessary assistance.

Customer service e-mail: 400@dameng.com

Customer service hotline: 400-991-6599

2. You agree that Dameng Company may notify you via email, text message, etc., unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties in this Agreement.

XII. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between you and Dameng Company. If negotiation fails, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with the people's court with jurisdiction over Dameng Company's domicile for resolution.

Wuhan Dameng Database Co., Ltd

Release date: September 5, 2024

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